Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The King of Cover-Up

"As your archbishop, I assume full responsibility for allowing Baker to remain in any type of ministry during the 1990s. I offer my sincere, personal apologies for my failure to take firm and decisive action much earlier." Roger Mahoney wrote this in a two-page letter that he faxed to 1,200 hundred priests in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Throughout the early investigation of the pedophile priests in parishes that he was involved with, he completely denies involvement. There is compelling evidence that negates his claims. Oliver O'Grady and Michael Baker are two of the priests that he transferred from parish to parish to avoid confrontation with their inhuman habits. Michael Baker even contacted Mahoney in search of guidance with his issue. Baker inquired, "Should we call the police now?" Mahoney responded in a quick "no, no, no." When criminal investigations furthered with Baker, the archbishop denied even knowing him.

If there is this level of corruption and unethical behavior occurring within this rank of the Catholic Church, we must question how much further the corruption extends. Is allowing priests to marry the answer to eliminating the problem entirely? Probably not, but it is a huge step in the right direction. It is a step of progress, a step of reform. The change could bring about a series of transformations within the church that could eventually lead to a religious organization free of this level of unethical behavior.


Brittney said...

Wait, so priests were just being transferred to other areas in attempt to cover it up???

I feel like I was educated on this topic, but don't remember that part!

How ridiculous! Things like this help to deteriorate institutions like organized religion.

Mr. Greenthumb said...

The key to many of the great religions survival is their ability to adapt to cultural changes. We don't stone adulterers, nor cut off the hands of thiefs... why is this any different?