Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cardinal Mahoney Vs. Pope Benedict

The influence of the two of these individuals is not even remotely comparable, but their approach to taking responsibility for the sex abuse scandals in the last five years should be one in the same. Pope Benedict XVI made a visit to the United States this month to enact stadium size masses and address the looming issues of the Catholic Church. The pope hit a home run with this visit, he spoke of the "deep shame" of the Catholic Church at nearly every prayer service, visited abuse victims privately, accepted a book containing the names of 1,500 victims from Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley.

Now here is my issue with the situation: what really has come of this visit besides some effective PR tactics? The world needs some action taken, not a bunch of apologies that we have heard fifty times before. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate Pope Benedict's attempt to appease American Catholics, but action needs to take place to truly mend the hearts of Catholic children and parents. If the Vatican approves a concrete doctrine that allows priests to marry, it is a step in the right direction towards an abuse free organization.

Now lets talk Mahoney, the only step in the right direction we've seen from this guy is an insincere apology that can be read by a third grader. The Los Angeles Archdiocese has repeatedly insinuated that the sexual abuse cases are merely being blown up by the media in an effort for ratings. At least the Pope has addressed the issue directly and not snuck around the issue.

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